*Cleanzine-logo-7a.jpgCleanzine: your weekly cleaning and hygiene industry newsletter 2nd May 2024 Issue no. 1112

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Fast, mess-free pressure washing with the FRV 30

* Karcher-wall.jpgCleaning of tiled walls and hard floors with a pressure washer is a popular choice for contract cleaners and facilities managers because it is fast and highly effective. However, one drawback of using high pressure for this kind of task is that a lot of splashing can occur and the water used for cleaning is left standing on the ground. As well as the obvious recontamination from foot or vehicle traffic, standing water creates a potentially severe trip hazard.

Kärcher's highly innovative FRV 30 hard surface cleaner provides a superb solution to this. The device attaches to a pressure washer to clean floors and walls quickly and very thoroughly, and features a Venturi system that automatically pumps cleaning water away - meaning that the object being cleaned dries more quickly but with no extra power or water being used. 

* Karcher-floor.jpgBecause no waste water is left standing, the FRV is ideally suited for use indoors in tiled areas. Whether used indoors or out, it dramatically reduces the downtime of the area being cleaned or simply the time taken to manually clear away the water.

As well as reducing cleaning time, the FRV 30 consumes no extra power than the pressure washer it is attached to: it uses the power of water to create its vacuum. The FRV 30 can be used with hot or cold water pressure washers at temperatures of up to 60°C.

For further information on how the FRV 30 can make a difference to your business, and to see a video of the device in action:

T: 01295 752142
W: www.karcher.co.uk

16th August 2012

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